2013: Plus TV: Motivational Missionaries’ Tour
starts in Belize City
A Belizean consulting firm has partnered with RESTORE Belize and various sponsors to bring a team of motivational speakers to the country for a week’s tour covering five districts. Sessions will host school children, corporate businesses and the average Belizean as speakers; Bert Oliva and Robin Kirk hope to find each individual’s true potential in what is being called “The Potentialist.” The opening was today in Belize City and organizer Dionne Miranda tells us more:
Dionne Miranda:
Today’s event is a culmination of friendship in terms of us wanting to go through the entire Caribbean and deliver motivational speaking to the entire Caribbean youth population My company, Chamberlain Consulting, we actually train and provide motivational speaking. I’m actually trained by Bert Oliva. We do that in Belize for corporations that hire us. This is our “giving back” part of it, where we believe that to get what you want, you have to give. This is our giving part of it, where we know we have to build the nation of Belize, we have to prepare the kids for their future. Only then can Chamberlain Consulting, and my family achieve its actual goals. So together with RESTORE Belize, and with the Bert Oliva Academy, we’ve come up with this concept of the Motivational Missionaries’ Tour, which starts here today.
This morning, the activities of participants seemed more death-defying than inspirational – two students were made to bend a pole connected to their ears at either end simply by walking to each other and others actually walked on broken glass – and no one got hurt! Main speaker at this morning’s event Oliva, goes into details on why he believes humans can be their own worst enemies:
Bert Oliva:
This is not about an American group coming in, because each one from the group comes from a different country. We have a Colombian in the group, a Venezuelan in the group, we have a Cuban in the group. We believe that people are people. O truly believe that everyone has potentials inside of them. The only person that holds them back is themselves, and through the tools and techniques that we’re going to show today, and some of the breakthroughs, you’ll see that people will accept some of the messages. And then we have Deon Chamberlain, who is from Belize, and shall be here to actually follow-up, and continue the training, and so forth.
Oliva, Kirk and the team will be in Corozal and Orange Walk tomorrow, and in Belmopan, San Ignacio and Dangriga later this week. A free session for at-risk youths at the Bliss Center will take place at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon. Entrance is free and those interested can contact RESTORE Belize at 630-5333.